Margarita's Little Shop

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Love at the First Sight

My favorite today: Echeveria 'Compton Carousel'

I have received this beauty exactly 1 year ago. It was among my first 10 Korean imports that I have ever ordered. I spent $50, which was extremely expensive compared to all other plants. Especially because of this, I feared for its well-being a lot, since at that point I had almost no experience with any succulents, and I’m not even talking about something as fussy as this variegated beauty.

There should be no surprise that this particular plant influenced me to fall in love💗 with Korean imports for their vivid colors and shapes.

Even now, I just feel how my heart pounds💓 - I am emotionally attached to it. I fell in LOVE❣️ 🥰 with it at the first sight!

This is its first winter at my place. I did not expect it to have so much of pink hues because I did not see online images that show that! It is my favorite PINK beauty that will always be associated with my favorite month - February.💖

This picture shows the condition I have received it a year ago. The head was about 2”.

This final picture captures how my beauty was doing 6 months since I planted it.🧡

P.S. While this was my first E. Compton Carousel, I had purchased a dozen more since then. Indeed, this type of plant is exceptionally demanding and is ready to rot at the slightest overwatering. I lost a few of them. So, my solution now is to keep them underwatered and let the lower and middle leaves go soft before watering. 😉

P.P.S. Update at the end of 2021, the very first E. Compton Carousel is still with me and thriving. 🧡

P.P.P.S This is an updated picture of the exact plant taken on 8/20/2023.

Listing of Echeveria 'Compton Carousel'