Almost Unreal


My favorite today: Echeveria 'Arabesque'

This fiery 🔥 looking echeveria is not a typical one. Its smooth red skin has slightly pinkish tint and absolutely flawless color transitions.❤️

It does not look real! 🤩 Actually, I really like plants that look artificial but yet very much alive and growing. 😍 When it looks artificial, I think it has an association with "so perfect that it can't be true". 😆

I have been growing it for 18 months now. It came as a green 🍃rootless plant - about 3" wide. It looked even worse while rooting. 🥀

But as soon as it rooted, it showed how resilient Arabesque variety is. 😍 I have never had problems with it. Always looks perfect and robust.💖This is one of my favorites not just for today, but in general. 🥰

Now it has a baby! 🥳 Another season and I will have an Arabesque family! 👨‍👩‍👧‍👧 🤣

The pot is 6” in diameter.


Amazingly Variegated Cluster


Looks like a Flower… but it’s NOT